If you are a home educated student-athlete please read the information below and contact Frank Hall, Athletic Director, at 440-805-4190 or athleticdirector@grandvalley.school with questions or concerns.
The following information must be on file with the athletic department/district before the athletic season begins. See document below for more detailed information.
1. Home Education Notification Form SHALL be on file with the Office of the Superintendent (local, city, exempted village or County ESC) for the District.
2. Proof of bona fide legal residence within the district where participation is desired SHALL be on file (must show at least two of the following):
a. Utility bill showing name and address
b. Lease showing name and address
c. Parent/guardian driver’s license
d. Affidavit of legal residence
3. Immunization Disclosure
4. Athlete’s Original Birth Certificate, Passport, Visa or Green Card – copies will not be accepted nor will hospital birth records be accepted.
5. Certified legal custody documents, if applicable
6. Emergency Medical Authorization and PrivIT Profile clearance from a physician within the last year
7. Athlete’s academic performance/grades from the previous grading period’s work
a. Written verification that the high school student has passed five one credit course or the equivalent
b. Written verification that the 7-8th grade student has passed five courses.
c. Verification is REQUIRED for each preceding grading period after which the student desires to participate.
8. Have on file with the Athletic Department
a. District Pre-Participation Forms if applicable and all OHSAA PrivIT Profile and consent forms
b. Emergency Medical Authorization Form
c. Concussion Form
d. Acknowledgement of receipt of District’s Athletic Code of Conduct, Student Code of Conduct and such other documents as required of all students in the district for interscholastic athletics participation
9. If the athlete’s participation is after the fall of what would be the freshman (9th grade) year of participation, the parents and student MAY be required to file additional paperwork with the District and the OHSAA to determine eligibility.
10. The athlete and the parents/guardian MUST fulfill any and all other requirements for participation including but not limited to those established by the OHSAA and the District.