Veterans Day assembly MS/ES
about 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Veterans Day assembly
7th and 8th grade choir
Veterans Day assembly
Veterans Day assembly
Veterans Day assembly MS/ES
about 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Veterans Day assembly
3rd grade
Corey Higley
Veterans Day assembly
Veterans Day assembly MS/ES
about 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Veterans Day assembly
Veterans Day assembly
Troop 72
Veterans Day assembly
Veterans Day assembly MS/ES
about 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Veterans Day assembly
WWII veteran
3rd grade
Veterans Day assembly
Attention Seniors and Parents: Seniors received information to order their cap and gown, graduation announcements, class rings and other senior items, in a senior meeting on Friday, November 8th. If you were unable to attend, extra packets are available in the main office or you can go to to see everything available. Jostens will be at Grand Valley on Wednesday, November 13th to take orders. They will be set up in the cafeteria during lunch. On Decemember 13th, Atech students will recieve their order packet and Jostens will be coming to Atech on Thursday, December 19, during lunch, to take orders. Please be sure to order on one of these dates or place your order online. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Diane Ferguson
Mrs. Brumit was at ATECH last week and passed out the November newsletter. This newsletter has important info on it for all GVHS students. It is also on our website. Have a great day GV!
about 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
atech 2
Don’t forget the Veterans Day assembly is Monday, November 11, 2019, starting at 9:30a.m. in the High School gymnasium. Students, please remember to wear red , white, and blue, to help honor our veterans. All veterans are welcome.
about 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Master Carver Bob Anderson from Rock Creek did a demonstration for Art II, sculpture and advanced sculpture classes this afternoon. Have a great weekend GV!
about 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
MC 1
GVHS Senior Families: Jostens was here today to speak to our Senior class about cap and gown orders. Please keep an eye out for the packet coming home today. Orders will be collected during lunch next Wednesday. Extra packets are in the office. ATECH Senior Families: Your packet will be given to you by Mrs. Brumit when she visits on 12/13/19. The Jostens representative will be at ATECH on 12/19/19 during lunch to collect your orders. Have a great day GV!
about 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
This morning there was a minor accident involving an adult employee here at the school. She has been taken to the hospital for observation. All students are safe and all business is back to normal.
about 5 years ago, Diane Ferguson
The Grand Valley Local Schools would like to thank the community for the support in passing the school levy. Your continued support can only improve the school system. Thank you! The Grand Valley Administration
about 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
From the Office of Dr. William R. Nye, Jr.:​ ​​Subject: Lockdown ​​Date: November 5, 2019 ​Earlier today the school sent out a message indicating why we closed our doors and kept students on the buses. I should of not used the word "funny" as I was using it in the context of "strange or suspicious noise". It was actually a popping sound off in the distance that only one staff member heard. As a safety precaution, we put our safety plan into place. After much investigation and deliberation, the administration and law enforcement officials deemed the campus to have no danger. We take all safety concerns here at Grand Valley seriously. ​Best Regards, ​Dr. William R. Nye, Jr.
about 5 years ago, Diane Ferguson
Today we had staff lock doors and halted elementary unboarding because someone reported a funny noise in the distance. We had no evidence of any danger but to be precautionary we had staff lock doors and buses board and drive off site. After much investigation by school officials and first responders there was nothing evident of any danger. School is back to normal business.
about 5 years ago, Diane Ferguson
Congratulations to the 5th grade students for their 1st nine weeks accomplishments !
about 5 years ago, Angela Campana
Straight A’s
Honor Roll
Merit Award
Some more activities going on at GVHS! In Mr. Fisher's class, students are working on Hero's Cereal Box project to better understand leaders of the Civil War. In Mr. Strazinsky's class, students will be working on taking orders for cutting boards over Thanksgiving break. This is a great business lesson for these kids. They get to have first hand experience with supply and demand, advertising strategies and sales. Also, the pressures of filling orders, speaking with customers and even dealing with shipping. They are even doing custom sizes! Busy days at GV!
about 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
More pictures from Mr. Dingman’s class. Have a great day GV!
about 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
On Tuesday, the GVHS College Prep Algebra I students used motion sensors to explore the two big ideas for the state standard that requires that students can model the relationship between two quantities and interpret key components of their graphs. (F.IF.4) They had a lesson on the topic the day prior... they can "talk the talk"... today they put that knowledge to use by "walking the walk". They discussed what type of motion they would have to undergo to create the five distinct sections of a graph that was projected onto the board. They then had to "walk" their ideas towards and away from their motion sensors that would graph their walk. They finally had to see if they matched the given graph. It was a fun day filled with technology applications and high order thinking.
about 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
More pictures of the 4th grade students at Severance Hall today.
about 5 years ago, Erica Clason
Miss Glotzbecker's class!
Mrs. Wichert's class inside Severance Hall.
Mrs. DeGreen's class inside Severance Hall.
Mrs. Pocza's class inside Severance Hall
Today the 4th grade students got to take a field trip to Severance Hall in Cleveland and watch the Cleveland Orchestra perform. All the students had a wonderful time and enjoyed the show.
about 5 years ago, Erica Clason
The 4th grade students at Serverance Hall watching the Cleveland Orchestra
The 4th grade students at Severance Hall.
The 4th grade students in front of Severance Hall.
GV High School students attending the OMEA District 5 Honors Choir Festival held at Stambaugh Auditorium in Youngstown, Ohio. The ensemble is comprised of top high school choral students from Ashtabula, Trumbull, and Mahoning Counties. Have a great day GV!
about 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
choir 1
choir 2