More pictures from the blood drive!
over 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
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Another successful blood drive at GVHS! Thank you to Mrs. Moore and the students that volunteered their time. Also, a HUGE thank you to all our donors!
over 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
Blood drive 1
blood drive 2
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blood drive 4
Interact’s Interaction
over 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
over 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
over 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
over 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
over 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
over 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
over 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
Interact’s Interaction
The elementary school staff and students participated in a lockdown drill today. This was only a drill and was done very well by all staff and students. Everyone is safe. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Mrs. Brumit was at ATech Friday, May 10th and gave students their May newsletter. Please see the newsletter on our website by going to menu, documents, and Grand Valley High School. Have a great day GV!
over 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
The Scholastic Book Fair is open all week. BOGO w/ purchase. Our PTO is also giving each student $6 to spend on a book! (The two offers cannot be combined.)
over 5 years ago, GVMS Library
Girls soccer parent meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21st at 6:00 pm in the High School Study Hall. Please plan to attend if you are planning on playing soccer next year.
over 5 years ago, Erica Clason
Grand Valley High School yearbook orders are due 5/17/19. Extra order forms are outside of Mr. Dawson’s room, room 204, or in the office. Have a great day GV!
over 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
This is a message for all parents and families of current 11th grade students. The State of Ohio requires all students entering into the 11th grade to receive a dose of Meningococcal vaccine. Per state law, if your child does not have these immunizations and/or proper documentation by the second week of the 2019-2020 school year, your student will not be permitted to attend school. For your convenience, we have invited the Ashtabula County Health Department to administer these vaccines on Thursday May 9th during school hours. Please return the completed permission slip along with a copy of your student’s medical card or payment prior to Thursday May 9th.
over 5 years ago, Diane Ferguson
This is a message for all parents and families of current 6th grade students. The State of Ohio requires all students entering into the 7th grade to receive a dose of Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine. Per state law, if your child does not have these immunizations and/or proper documentation by the second week of the 2019-2020 school year, your student will not be permitted to attend school. For your convenience, we have invited the Ashtabula County Health Department to administer these vaccines on Thursday May 9th during school hours. Please return the completed permission slip along with a copy of your student’s medical card or payment prior to Thursday May 9th. For more information contact the school health clinic.
over 5 years ago, Diane Ferguson
GV Prom King and Queen! Derrick Robinson and Abegail Perry
over 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
To raise awareness of the Academic Challenge/Quiz Bowl team in the high school, the team challenged teachers to a battle of brains. As a fundraiser, the student body donated spare change to the teachers they wanted to see compete. The students won both games by very narrow margins-one by just one question and a bonus. Students were nervous as they faced "the people who taught us this stuff" said Ian Dyke a junior. Teachers were nervous as they were unfamiliar with the buzzer system and information retrieval isn't quite what it used to be!
over 5 years ago, Stacie Orosz
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Today's JV Softball game at Lakeside and JV Baseball doubleheader at CCA are both Canceled. Thank You
over 5 years ago, Terry Hejduk
Remember to pickup your 2019-2020 HS Cheerleading Tryout Packet today from Mr. Hejduk in the Athletic Directors Office!
over 5 years ago, Terry Hejduk