The winning streak continues for the Lady Mustangs! Both basketball teams won tonight with the following scores:
8th grade: 29-23
7th grade: 23-5
Lady Mustangs played the Conneaut Spartans! WOW!

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HS Wrestling at Liberty, 6pm!
- Mask up, ticket: https://www.libertylocalschools.org/Content2/tickets

Athletics for Wed., 1/19:
MS Girls B-ball at Conneaut, 5pm!
- Mask up!
HS Girls B-ball vs Kirtland, 5:30pm!
- Ticket: https://grandvalley.hometownticketing.com/embed/all

Athletics for Tuesday, 1/18:
MS Girls Basketball Postponed.
HS Boys Basketball Postponed.

Grand Valley Local Schools will be closed Tuesday, January 18, 2022, due to inclement weather and impassable roads.

Grand Valley Local Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 18th, 2022, due to inclement weather and impassable roads. Be safe Mustangs!

All Practices for Monday, 1/17 have been cancelled due to weather and road conditions.

Athletics for Saturday, 1/15:
MS Wrestling at the Laker Shaker (PV), 9am start!
HS Girls Basketball at Independence, 11am start!
- Tickets at https://independencebluedevils.com/event-tickets

3.00 Team GPA or Higher last quarter!
HS Girls Basketball: 3.88
HS Cheerleading: 3.58
HS Boys Basketball: 3.54
HS Wrestling: 3.50
MS Boys Basketball: 3.32
MS Girls Basketball: 3.00
Our full Winter Athletics Programs earned a 3.31 GPA last quarter!

Athletics for Friday, 1/14:
HS Boys Basketball at Cuyahoga Heights, 5:30pm start!
- Masks Required!
- Tickets purchased at https://cuyhtsathletics.com/event-tickets

Athletics for Thursday, 1/13:
7th grade Boys Basketball vs Berkshire at Braden for the CVC Tournament Semi! 5:30pm start!
Masks are required indoors.

Friendly Reminder - Grand Valley Middle School Parents our PTO meeting is tonight at 6:00 PM - we meet in the Middle School Library.

Athletics for Wednesday, 1/12:
MS Boys Basketball Tourney!
HS and MS Wrestling at Jefferson, 5:30pm start!
HS Varsity Girls Basketball at Cardinal, 6pm start!

1st Round of the CVC MS Boys Basketball Tourney Today!
- 8th Grade plays Richmond Heights at Wickliffe, 4:30pm start!
- 7th Grade plays Wickliffe at Berkshire, 4:30pm start!
Masks are required indoors at both!

GVMS Girls Basketball Team opened the 2022 season with two wins against Lakeside Junior High!
The 8th grade score was: 17-9 and 7th grade score was: 36-9! Go Mustangs!!!!

Athletics for Tuesday, 1/11:
MS Girls Basketball at Lakeside, 4:30pm start!
- Masks are required.
HS Boys Basketball hosts Cardinal, 5:30pm start!

Grand Valley Local Schools Board of Education member Christa Yuhasz (left) and Timothy Keeney are sworn in by Grand Valley Local Schools Treasurer Lisa Moodt at the January 10th school board meeting. Mrs. Yuhasz replaces Mike Pucel, who was recognized at the December meeting.

Athletics for Monday, 1/10:
MS Boys Basketball at Braden, 4:30pm start!
- Masks required.
HS Girls Basketball at St. John, 5pm start!