Check out our 19-20 GVMS Presidential Award Recipients!
over 4 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Attention High School Students: Due to orders still coming in, Mr.Dawson has extended the yearbook order deadline. Next week is the last week to order! Please get your money and order form to the school by Friday, June 12th. Please drop it off in the main entrance foyer, M-F, from 9am-8pm. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
yearbook order
The MS Library is missing 85 books worth $756! Please return library books to the MS Office as soon as possible. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, GVMS Library
Grand Valley High School Students and Families: Please be sure to return textbooks and novels that were sent home during this time. We have a lot of novels out from Mrs. Moore’s class that needs to be returned. Please note, that final report cards will not be sent home if your child owes fees or has textbooks and/or novels at home. These books can be returned between the hours of 7am and 8pm, M-F, until June 8th in the main-entrance foyer. Please leave them on the HS table marked with your students name. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
Dont forget! Tonight is the showing!
over 4 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Graduation 2020
A message for Grand Valley Elementary Families.
over 4 years ago, Ellen Winer
From the GV Food Service Department:
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
Mrs. Pinto and Mrs. Rowland (Choir Booster President) delivered gifts to the Choir Seniors. In a normal year, the juniors purchase gifts for the choir seniors. This year, the Boosters purchased the gifts, and we really enjoyed hand delivering to each one of them!
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
choir 1
choir 2
choir 3
choir 4
Letter from Dr. Nye to Grand Valley Families:
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
Dr Nye
We will be delivering the school items that was left in Middle School and the High School lockers today and tomorrow. If you live in the trailer park, the lunch delivery bus will be there from Please come to the mail house and put them up today or tomorrow.
over 4 years ago, Diane Ferguson
Hi Grand Valley Elementary Kids, Families and Staff. This is Dr. Winer and I wanted to give you an update as we end this school year. This is our LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL. We will have our Student School Stuff Pick up on Friday, May 29th from 1:00-6:00pm. We have a bag for each student filled with supplies, books, yearbook, class picture (if you ordered them) a Report Card and maybe a treat! BUT... HERE’S A CHANGE....Instead of pulling up to the cafeteria doors, you will pull up to the 3rd grade doors. We will have a sign on the sidewalk so you’ll be able tell which doors are the 3rd grade doors. Please, put a sign in your window with your child’s name and teacher’s name so we can quickly get your bag out to you. Our Food Service and Transportation departments will continue to bring breakfasts and lunches to the drop off spots for the remainder of this week. Starting next week, Country Neighbor will be providing the meals. The Drop off spots will remain the same but times will vary a bit but you will have that information before Monday. This year did not go as we had hoped. We know how hard this school closure has been on kids and families. Many of you have asked about next year. Right now, we are planning on starting in August but with changes such as social distancing, no shared materials, individual desks and chairs for all, frequent hand washing breaks, individual water bottles brought home and washed daily, just to name a few new practices. Grand Valley administrators and staff will be meeting throughout the summer and will be asking for your input as we plan for next year. We will be providing you with information so there won’t be any surprises in August. You and your children will know exactly what to expect. That’s it for now. I hope to see you all on Friday, May 29th, 3 days from now, to pick up your School Stuff. Remember, pull up to the 3rd grade doors. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy!
over 4 years ago, Ellen Winer
Celebrating our 2020 graduates!
over 4 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Graduation 2020
The Board of Education has reserved the Mayfield Road Drive-In on June 2nd for all the Graduates, their families and friends to view the final edited graduation ceremony. The viewing will begin at 9:20 PM. The gates will open at 8:00 PM. The Mayfield Drive-In is located at 12100 SR 322 (Just West of SR 44) Chardon Ohio. All cars will be parked 7 feet apart and staff, concessions and guests are expected to follow all the Drive-In social distance regulations. All Drive-In staff will be wearing masks. Each Graduate will receive two tickets for entry for the June 2nd event as they cross the stage at the graduation ceremony here at the school this Saturday. Each ticket will allow one car/vehicle with unlimited capacity enter for the ceremony. Each graduate can have two car/vehicle loads attend. Graduates are encouraged to decorate their car. You will be able to purchase food at the Drive-In following social distance rules. Restrooms will be available with social distance regulations. You are allowed to bring your own food and drink with you as well. You must have a ticket to attend. So please attend to view the complete ceremony the evening of June 2nd and cheer for the Graduating Class of 2020!
over 4 years ago, Roberta Cozad
Grade Cap
A message from Dr. William R. Nye Jr., The Board of Education has reserved the Mayfield Road Drive-In on June 2nd for all the graduates, their families and friends to view the final edited graduation ceremony. The viewing will begin at 9:20 PM. The gates will open at 8:00 PM. The Mayfield Drive-In is located at 12100 SR 322 (Just West of SR 44) Chardon, Ohio. All cars will be parked 7 feet apart and staff, concessions and guests are expected to follow all the Drive-In social distance regulations. All Drive-In staff will be wearing masks. Each graduate will receive two tickets for entry for the June 2nd event as they cross the stage at the graduation ceremony here at the school this Saturday. Each ticket will allow one car/vehicle with unlimited capacity to enter for the ceremony. Each graduate can have two car/vehicle loads attend. Graduates are encouraged to decorate their car. You will be able to purchase food at the Drive-In following social distance rules. Restrooms will be available with social distance regulations. You are allowed to bring your own food and drink with you as well. Remember, you must have a ticket to attend the Mayfield Road Drive-In. So please attend to view the complete ceremony the evening of June 2nd and cheer for the Graduating Class of 2020! Dr. William R. Nye Jr.
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
ATTENTION GRADUATES: Please remember to send Mrs. Brumit or Mrs. Gibbons a list of your future plans, scholarship allocations, and military enlistments for our graduation ceremony. Forms were mailed home in April. Please simply take a photo of the form or email a list to ASAP. Our virtual taping takes place this week and we would like to celebrate your accomplishments!
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
Reminder to GVHS Families: Locker item pick up is this Monday 5/18, Tuesday 5/19, and Wednesday 5/20/20. See attachment with the time and location info. You can also drop off your textbooks when you pick up your bag. Have a great evening GV!
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
There will be an organizational meeting tonight at 6:30 pm for anyone entering 9th through 12th grades and is interested in playing Boys Soccer next year. Due to the Grand Valley Local Schools Facility being closed this meeting will be held online using the Google Meet App. To receive your meeting invitation, please contact Mrs. Ferguson by email at by 6 pm. Please include the following information in your email when requesting an invitation.... the sport you are looking to play, athlete's name, the grade they will be entering and the email address you would like the invitation sent to. Thank You!
over 4 years ago, Diane Ferguson
Hi Grand Valley Elementary Kids, Teachers and Families, This is Dr. Winer and I wanted to give you an update on how we will be ending the 2019-20 school year. We would like all completed school work to be turned in by Friday, May 15th. The school entryway doors are opened from 9am-9pm Monday - Friday. Just put the completed work in the appropriate grade level box. Keep whatever work has not been completed and work on it during the summer. The week of May 18th-22nd is devoted to the Virtual Field trips your teachers sent you or take a Field Trip of your own. Also, Mr. Mailach has posted a Phys. Ed. Challenge Week with activities that will be a whole lot of fun. Look on our school website for those activities. Your teachers posted those as well. School supply pick up for all the elementary, including preschool, will be on Friday, May 29th from 1-6pm at the Cafeteria Doors. You will be picking up a bag with your school supplies and all student belongings from cubbies and desks,as well as report cards, and class pictures and yearbooks if you purchased them. Just drive up, with a sign in your window. Please don’t get out of your cars, we will bring your bags to you. I hope you are all doing well and are healthy. When I reflect on the past 8 weeks I am saddened because I miss you all so much. Who would have imagined that this pandemic could even happen? We have learned to adjust to new norms and we are OKay and we will continue to be OK because we are strong, capable and’s almost summer! See you on Friday, May 29th. Stay healthy!
over 4 years ago, Ellen Winer
Grand Valley Seniors and Families, Late afternoon yesterday I got confirmation that the Ashtabula County Health Department approved our drive thru graduation plan. We will have graduation on May 23 (rain date 24th & 30th) starting at 11:00 a.m. and ending at 3:00 p.m. We were approved to bring 10-15 cars on campus every 30 minutes to walk across the stage. Please see the attachments for the traffic flow and your time to arrive. Each student is permitted to bring one vehicle and only the student and parents are permitted to exit the car when it is your turn to walk across the stage. Once you have walked across the stage and picked up your diploma you have to return to your car and exit the complex. It was stressed by the health department that we can not allow people to congregate on campus and that we must have police presence. Please have a sign with your name on it to show Mr. Varley and Mr. McConnell when you enter the complex. We will be pre recording the speeches and videotaping each graduate walking across the outdoor stage. After all graduates have received their diploma, Mr. Schick will edit and post the video on YouTube. All graduation cords will be passed out to you the day of Graduation by Mr. Varley and Mr. McConnell prior to walking across the stage. Decorating your cars is permitted. I know this is not what you or your parents envisioned for your Graduation and it is not what I or your teachers had planned for you either. Understand that we are all operating under strict guidelines from the state and local government agencies. This plan was submitted twice (with revisions) in order to get approved. We will get through this together! Mr. Hitchcock
over 4 years ago, Stacie Orosz
grad 2
grad 3
grad 4
There will be an organizational meeting on Thursday May 14th at 6:30 pm for anyone entering 9th through 12th grades and is interested in playing Boys Soccer next year. Due to the Grand Valley Local Schools Facility being closed this meeting will be held online using the Google Meet App. To receive your meeting invitation, please contact Mrs. Ferguson by email at . Please include the following information in your email when requesting an invitation.... the sport you are looking to play, athlete's name, the grade they will be entering and the email address you would like the invitation sent to. Thank You!
over 4 years ago, Diane Ferguson