Due to the circumstances relating to Covid 19, the Middle School dodgeball tournament scheduled for this Friday has been postponed till May. IF we can not reschedule the tournament in May, refunds will be made when school is back on campus. Thank you
GV High School Students:
If you requested a paper copy of school work, please note that these packets will not be ready until Wednesday after 12:00 pm.
GVHS Seniors:
If you would like to fill out a scholarship application, please email Mrs. Gibbons to work out a way to drop it off to her. Please do not leave scholarship applications in the foyer.
Thank you!
GVHS Seniors:
Please see the school website for our local scholarships. Select Menu, Documents, & Grand Valley High School to find the updated scholarship folder.
Kitchen Update:
The week of April 6th we will be sending new items in our meals. Please remember that on Friday April 10, there will be no meal service due to the holiday. GRAND VALLEY NOW QUALIFIES AS AN OPEN-SITE FOR SCHOOL MEALS. CHILDREN FROM AGES 1-18 MAY RECEIVE THE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH MEAL AT OUR DROP-OFF SITES. THIS INCLUDES STUDENTS WHO ARE PAID! We encourage you to please participate and no child will be turned away. Please practice social distancing and stay healthy.
The following is a message for Elementary students and their families
Mrs. McClain and Mrs. Brumit will continue services for students through email, google classroom and google meets. Students can continue to schedule “appointments” by emailing us a request for a google meets video conference. Mrs. McClain or Mrs. Brumit will then email back a scheduled time to connect.
Students can reach out with any academic, career, or social emotional needs that we can assist with.
Google Classroom Codes:
Mrs. Brumit. pgvvwec
Mrs. McClain. zbspmly
Thinking of our students and families during this time.
GV High School Families:
The HS office will be open Tuesday and Thursday from 9am-12pm. If your child is unable to do work online, please call or email (email is best if can) Mrs. Orosz to schedule a packet pick up.
If your child needs items from their locker, please contact us and we will leave your items in the foyer.
For any other inquiries, please call or email before coming to the office.
For Guidance Office Inquiries:
Thank you!
We are here to hand out packets of work until 3:00 today. 10am-6pm on Monday.
GVHS Students and Future Freshmen:
If you did not turn in your schedule request forms to Mrs. Brumit, please send a picture of your form or a list of your course selections to her at: carrie.brumit@grandvalley.school
The GVHS office will be closed from 3/23-3/27/20 (Spring Break)
Please note that the following could change at any time:
We will have limited hours when we return after Spring Break.
The high school office will be open Tuesday and Thursday from 9am-12pm.
We will be remotely available by phone on the days/hours we are not here, 440-805-4545.
We will be checking our email frequently during normal business hours too.
The main entrance foyer will be open till 10:00 pm to drop off school work, Monday-Friday. Please make sure your papers have the student name and teacher name on them before placing it in the designated boxes.
If possible, take a picture of your school work or make a copy before you drop it off in the foyer.
Thank you!
Hi GVES Families. Several of you have called school or emailed about confusion, concerns, questions, etc. and have given me suggestions for clarification. Please understand that things are changing quite rapidly and plans made today may change in 2 hours from now! So please bear with us.
The ES office will be open tomorrow, Friday 3/20, from 8:00-2:00. The office will be closed next week - Monday -Thursday.
The Office will open on Friday, 3/27 from 7am-3pm and on Monday, 3/30 from 10am-6pm for families to pick up activity packets for the week of 3/30.
Even if the office is closed, Mrs. Fuller and I can answer the school phone remotely. If you have a question...just call 440-805-4545.
For the work your child has completed:
there are Drop Off boxes in the ES Office foyer. The outside doors will be open from 8am-10pm.
The Food Buses have drop off boxes for completed work, too. Get some food and drop off work!
I’ve seen and heard so many great ideas of things to do with kids while you’re at home during this crisis. .
I learned of a FREE app today on the news, Busykid. It’s all about kids doing chores, getting an allowance and managing their money.
I’ve seen posts of kids and families doing all kinds of things together. Please post photos and ideas of the things you and your family are doing together. It will give others some ideas.
Let’s hope this is a once in a lifetime thing so as a family document it by journaling in a book, online or in photos. We are living history!
Take advantage of being “locked down and in” and have family dinners, play games, go outside and play, bake together, clean together, exercise together.
Our teachers will be in touch throughout the school closure. If you need help, just call us. And don’t forget the breakfast/lunch drop off.
Above all, stay healthy.
GVHS Families:
Report cards will be mailed to all students this week. There will also be a yearbook order form with it.
Stay positive and healthy GV!
GVMS and GVHS Families:
Please note the new hours of the MS and HS offices. The office will be available by phone from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday-Friday, except for Spring Break.
If you need to drop off school work, please come between 9:00 am-12:00 pm, M-F, and place it in the designated box in the main entrance foyer.
If you can not make it between these times, please call the office to make arrangements.
Also, please call ahead if you need to come into the office for any reason.
Thank you for understanding and don't hesitate to call with questions!
GVHS Students:
Please be sure to join the GVHS teachers' google classrooms and monitor your assignments and lessons daily. Please email your teacher with any questions you may have.
For any students who are not yet on Mrs. McClain’s google classroom the code is ....zbspmly....you can also reach me at Lisa.mcclain@grandvalley.school
I will post our mustang message of the day with other information and tools that I come across to assist during this time
GVHS Families:
Due to the Corona Virus disruption, the yearbook order forms that were to be sent home this week will be delayed. Please look for future messages on how to order a yearbook and where to get the forms.
Thank you!
GVHS Students:
An update from Mrs. Brumit, as her Guidance Google Classroom code has changed. The updated code is: pgvvwec
GVHS Students:
Be sure to check your Grand Valley Gmail for daily communications from your teachers.
Also, join the GV Guidance Google Classroom for mental health activities and information.
Mrs. Brumit's Guidance Google Classroom Code: vf659d9
Please see the pick up times and locations for school lunches.